Friday, May 31, 2024

Alaska 2024 - The Journey Begins

May 23, 2024


For a variety of reasons, we have missed the last several years of our Alaska journeys.  This year were we able to organize a shorter trip, with friends and family helping us with running Spirit.


Our first team, Kent and Melody, arrived in Anacortes about noon and by 1230 we were underway for our first night at Echo Bay on Sucia Island.  We were accompanied by friends on the Selene 55 “Rendezvous”. By 1525 we were anchored in Echo Bay, after a short 22 NM run, where we shared dinner.   We were one of four Selene’s anchored in Echo Bay.  This early in the season, with rain expected for the foreseeable future, there was lots of room and many empty mooring buoys.


May 24-26, 2024


We planned our departure for 0700 and managed to beat that by 10 minutes.  The crossing was uneventful, with relatively calm seas.  We entered False Creek and proceeded to the CBSA dock at Fisherman’s Wharf to clear customs at 1320 after a 50 NM run.  Clearance was by cell phone and by 1350 we had our clearance and headed to Quayside Marina at the foot of Yaletown for a three night stay.  Rain was our constant companion for the entire stay, but we were able to complete our provisioning of fresh foods we could not bring across the border.

A memorable event was the oyster feed, with 8 dozen oysters consumed by the crew.

Some of our oysters at Quayside Marina


The derelict and unkempt live aboard boat situation has not improved and there were even two beached vessels and one sunken vessel near the entrance to False Creek.


May 27, 2024


Spirit departed Quayside Marina with Rendezvous close astern shortly after 0900 for the 50 NM run to Pender Harbor.  The rain was intense at time, rendering the radar virtually useless even with rain clutter control maximized.  The winds were 15-20 knots from the SE and with the seas on our port quarter the ride was uncomfortable at times, even with stabilizers engaged.  The seas calmed once we were in Welcome Passage and continued calm as we entered Pender Harbor.  We rafted Spirit to Rendezvous just outside the entrance to Garden Bay at 1500.  The winds were light and the water was flat all evening.


May 28, 2024


Spirit departed Pender Harbor shortly before 0900 in torrential rain, poor visibility, but no wind.  Seas were calm until we reached Grief Point and then the skies cleared somewhat and the wind shifted to the Southeast, increasing to 15-20 knots.  We continued past Powell River, Lund and Bliss Landing, turning past Sarah Point and headed to Prideaux Haven, our destination for the evening.  Spirit anchored first this time, after a 51.5 NM run, and Rendezvous rafted alongside.  The rain had started again before we entered Prideaux Haven, with periods of thundershowers interspersed with sun, but no wind in the anchorage.  The early evening views were complete with rainbows and dark clouds.

A rainbow over Prideaux Haven


May 29, 2024


A quiet day anchored in Prideaux Haven, with kayaking and tender operations.


May 30, 2024


Spirit broke up the raft and departed Prideaux Haven at 0645, to make high slack water at 1100 at Dent Rapids.  We were right on time and cruised through. Taking Greene Point Rapids on the ebb 90 minutes later and exiting into Johnstone Strait via Chancellor Channel.  We took advantage of the ebb tide and entered Blackney Pass at 1800, anchoring in 50 feet of water at Hanson Island at 1838.  Our day’s run was 101 NM.


May 31, 2024


There is a significant weather front approaching, so we made a dash today past Cape Caution to avoid the high winds predicted for Saturday Evening and Sunday.  Seas were relatively calm around the Cape, with a westerly swell of 1-2 meters and a 2-3 foot chop from the 15 knot SE winds.  We anchored in Green Island Anchorage in Fitz Hugh Sound at 1630 after an 84 NM run.   The anchorage was calm, only one other vessel was present.

The Native American Village midden at Green Island